Help stockholmers find your company online

Posted September 7, 2020 in More

In Sweden alone, 50 million Google searches are made daily. Thus, Google is the primary source used by swedes to navigate the web, regardless of whether they are searching for information, services or products. The majority of all these search engine users click on one of the first five suggestions in the hit list which has made it increasingly important for companies to rank as high as possible in the search results.


It has become especially important since the traffic generated by search engines often leads to increased sales opportunities. However, to be able to utilize the opportunities offered by search engines, you have to optimize your website for search engines and always keep the Google user in mind.

Does search engine optimization sound like something you would like to try? If you are unsure about how to proceed with your SEO project – Topdog will help and support you in your efforts to optimize your website.


Increase the visibility of your site with SEO

Search engine optimization is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in the search engine’s organic search results, that is, the unpaid search results. Ranking high on search terms and keywords relevant to your business increases your website’s visibility which leads to more visitors. SEO simply allows you to easily connect with the search engine users who are searching for your products or services and turn them into customers.

Yet, for your SEO to be successful you need to create an effective SEO strategy, which is not an easy thing to do on your own if you do not have the knowledge. Would you still like to try your hand in SEO on your own? Here are ten fairly easy SEO improvements you can do yourself.


Ten SEO improvements to do yourself

Analyse search behaviours

Before embarking on improving your website from an SEO perspective you need to know how people use search engines and what they are searching for. The terms or words that people use to find what they are looking for are called ‘keywords’. To make successful SEO you need to research what keywords people are using to find your website and customize its content using the most popular keywords. You can find keywords related to your website by using, for example, Google Search Console or Google Keyword Planner.


Improve titles and descriptions

By creating click-friendly titles and descriptions you will be able to effectively gain more clicks, sending more people to your website, thus making your site rank higher. Use for example, Google Search Console to learn which of your website’s pages are most popular and mull over how you can create more click-friendly titles and descriptions for each one of them.


Create content that answers users’ questions

Search engines like Google prefer quality content that answers users’ questions. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you create content of high quality that answers users’ questions. Research keywords to find out which keywords are more important in regards to your website and its visitors.


Improve the H1 tag

Once you have improved the titles and descriptions, you need to remember to adjust the texts’ H1 tags (main headings) to match the improved titles and descriptions. If they do not match, your visitors and potential customers may feel that they did not get the answers they were promised and decide to leave your website. Search engines do not like that and it will cause your site to lose valuable ranking.


Improve H2 and H3 tags

Once you have reviewed the site’s H1 tags, it’s time to improve the H2 and H3 tags (subheadings). The subheadings should be devised as questions. That way, users will know right from the start that they will (probably) get an answer to their question, which will increase the likelihood that the user will click on your website.


Add internal links

Make it easier for your visitors to find the information they need on your website by adding internal links to your content. This way, visitors will spend more time on your site, which will improve your sales figures and your website’s ranking in the long run.


Rid your site of duplicate content

If your site has several URLs leading to the same content it will most definitely affect the site’s ranking negatively. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the content on your website is unique. Delete or rewrite content that is too similar.


Improve your website load time

In today’s day and age we are used to getting the information we want quickly. If we have to wait longer than what we think is enough, we will choose another option. This also applies to websites. It has been shown that websites that load quickly are more profitable than others. Therefore, it is important that your website loads fast. Contact your tech department and examine how you can make your website faster.


Fix broken links

Find out if your site has any broken links, that is, a link to a page that no longer exists. Links usually stop working due to the content being removed, moved or renamed. However, Google still remembers the page. When visitors discover that the link does not work, they will go back to Google Search and choose your competitor instead, and you will lose valuable traffic to your site. Broken links also send a negative message which will influence how visitors perceive your company.


Obtain the help of a SEO agency

If you find it difficult to get started, to know what improvements you should make or how they should be made, it may be worthwhile to seek the help of an SEO agency.



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