The grandfather of street photography comes to Fotografiska

Posted March 5, 2013 in Arts


From March 8 Fotografiska present the ultimate retrospective of Cartier-Bresson,
titled The Man, the Image & the World.

French photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson is considered the father of modern photojournalism. He helped develop street photography, a style of reportage which has influenced  photographers for generations.

Cartier-Bresson searched for something he described as the “decisive moment”.To him, the camera was an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.

cartierCartier-Bresson lived a colorful life. He was present in Spain during the Civil War, in Germany when the concentration camps were liberated, in China during the fall of Kuomintang and Mao’s march into Beijing. He also experienced the radical left movement during the student revolts in Paris in 1968. He considered his photos as a medium to document life and his experiences.

Henri Cartier-Bresson created Magnum Photos, a picture agency, with photographers such as Robert Capa, David Seymour, George Rodger and Bill Vandivert. Magnum photographers have taken outstanding pictures while covering important historical events.



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