Al Pitcher, Jesper Rönndahl, Jakob Öqvist

Posted October 28, 2013 in More

Date: November 5
Location: Norra Brunn, Surbrunnsgatan 33

al pitcher

The New Zealander Al Pitcher, now a resident in Stockholm with his wife and younger son, is the grand opening for this evening. He has received multiple awards, nominations and reviews both internationally and in Sweden. He was also nominated the Male Comedian of the Year 2011. He has inhabited the natural improvisational skills by the likes of his comedy peers Eddie Izzard and Ricky Gervais.  No matter the show, he always seems to leave the audience gasping for air. His comedy forté is to either start off by, or include Swedish phrases he’s learned, and nothing is more fun than hearing him silly himself up for the audience’s sake. One would think the repetitiveness of some of those Swedish phrases would get tiresome to listen to, but due to his innate skill to make every sentence different from the previous one, the humor stays high. All comedians have some kind of signature, and his is to incorporate the Swedish language. It works for him, and it clearly works for the audience who during every performance sit bent forward panting with happy tears in their eyes.

Accompanying him on the stage at Norra Brunn this evening are the Swedish comedian and radio profiles Jesper Rönndahl and Jakob Öqvist.  This is a must-see comedy standup so bring along your loved ones for this unforgettable evening.

Words by Derya Aktas


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